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After acquiring over $6,000,000 in real estate and being on track to be financially free by the age of 31 and then being forced to declare bankruptcy in the real estate crash, PJ Van Hulle has learned first hand that MAKING MONEY and KEEPING MONEY are two entirely different skill sets and has become more passionate than ever about providing people with the financial education they didn’t receive in school.
Here's Lisa herself, looking sassy and fabulous.
Here I am with Jesse Koren. We had lots of time to "geek out" together, which is always fun.
Here I am sharing some of my insights with the group.
This was my first time meeting John Assaraf, from the hit movie The Secret in person. What a brilliant and heartful man! I really enjoyed getting to hang out with him.
The event photographer took this picture of Shannon and I talking with John, and I thought it came out really beautiful.
Re-connecting with Mike Koenigs reminded me that I have to get cracking on using Traffic Geyser. He's used to presenting to large groups of men so it was really fun seeing him let loose in front of a big group of mostly women.
I finally got to connect with Noah St. John and Babette Bibey in person and had a blast interviewing Noah for my "Secrets of Millionaire Business Owners" Product.