Saturday, September 22, 2007

My First All White Party

White after Labor Day? Everyone at Nordstrom thought I was bizarre on my last minute search for something to wear to the party. I admit… I was apprehensive about how my butt would look in white pants, but I fell in love with this suit!

Here I am with Adonal Foyle, just days before his flight to Florida to join the Orlando Magic after 10 years playing basketball for the Golden State Warriors. He brought a taste of his native St. Vincent and the Grenadines to Oakland with his High Caribbean in White Party.

Adonal has the biggest heart of just about anyone I’ve ever met. It’s inspiring how much he gives to his family, friends, and community. As if playing for the NBA doesn’t keep him busy enough, the most recent charitable organization he has created is the Kerosene Lamp Foundation. You can learn more at Thank you, Adonal!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

What Are You Grateful For?

Shannon Law (of Radiance Health Solutions) and I visited with Terces and Matthew Engelhart (of Café Gratitude) to hear their views on building a conscious business.

I am so grateful for Terces and Matthew! Their amazing restaurant, Café Gratitude, makes it easy for me to enjoy eating out while sticking to my healthy way of eating. I use their game, The Abounding River, in my Prosperity Retreat Program. And every time I visit Café Gratitude, they remind me of how much I love my life!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
You can learn more about their game, restaurant and workshops at

Friday, September 14, 2007

A Man After My Own Heart

Once I picked up Tim Ferriss’ book, The Four Hour Workweek, I couldn’t put it down! If you haven’t read it yet, get it NOW by clicking on the image below and fasten your seat belt because you’re in for a wild ride…

It was so fun to meet him in person for a night on the town – swapping adventure stories and talking about what’s next. I’m used to other people my age going to work, living paycheck to paycheck and thinking I’m totally crazy because that’s not the life I choose. So it was exciting and refreshing to hang out with someone from my peer group that is up to big things. His latest project is building schools and libraries in third world countries, and you can join in the fun! To donate, go to

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hot Air Ballooning for My 31st Birthday

Taking a ride in a hot air balloon has been on my Fun List for a few years now, and I figured that my birthday was a good opportunity to go for it. Getting up at 4:00 am and driving to Napa was an adventure in and of itself. I got an adrenaline rush when the balloon first took off and after that most of the ride was peaceful and beautiful.

I recommend it. To use the same company that I did, book your flight on

Monday, September 10, 2007

90 Days to Your First Deal Fall Program Begins!

I just got back from the 90 Days to Your First Deal Launch weekend. What an experience! The weekend was action-packed with financial makeovers, creative investment strategies, insights, ideas and “a-has”.

This is an amazing, powerful group, and everyone is excited and ready to do deals. Next stop… our Prosperity Buying Tour to New York!